Our Team Tom Gesimondo, Founder(855) 483-9675tomg@tworld.com Christopher Viskup, VP & Mid Market Manager(917) 791-4868cviskup@tworld.com Thandron Dadaille(646) 547-6872tdadaille@tworld.com Derrick Leedlee@tworld.com“Teamwork makes the dream work.” Amy Mingasson(347) 380-1655amingasson@tworld.com“Helping others has always been my motivation. The breadth of my experience is the result of adapting to situations with this objective in mind.” Dean Hawthorne(917) 279-1326dhawthorne@tworld.com John Wissing(518) 495-3864jwissing@tworld.com Miles Gordon(855) 483-9675mgordon@tworld.com Vishnu Deonandanvdeonandan@tworld.com“Don’t delay; tick, tick, tick - says the clock. What you have to do, do it quick! Time is running fast and near, so what you have to do, do it quick!”