Tom Gesimondo
Tom Gesimondo, Founder
Phone: (855) 483-9675
Email: tomg@tworld.com
Tom Gesimondo has more than 30 years of experience in the business world. He started his career in Radio (WXRK), working himself up from his first job as an intern to controller of the number one radio station in America. As radio was changing his entrepreneurial spirit moved him to a career change. Leaving one passion for another as he purchased an iconic Pilates studio on New York’s Westside. He soon opened another one on the Eastside of Manhattan.
As much as Tom enjoyed this path, and remains a partner in the Pilates world, he missed the people, the personalities and the process of working with business people like himself on a daily basis. As the owner of Transworld of Brooklyn Tom brings all of his experience to business owners like yourself. Whether you’re thinking of buying a business, selling a business, going through a career change or purchasing a franchise, he has walked in your shoes.
“For me it all starts with a conversation. I want to learn about your needs and take the mystery out of buying or selling a business” - Tom Gesimondo